Data & Redis series - part 8

RedisCover Redis for Vector Similarity Search

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In today’s data-driven world, information is generated and consumed at an unprecedented pace. With every click, swipe, and transaction, massive amounts of data are collected, waiting to be harnessed for insights, decision-making, and innovation. Today, more than 80% of the data organizations generate is unstructured, and the amount of this... [Read More]

Data & Redis series - part 7

Customer Satisfaction Monitoring with Redis & GCP

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In today’s competitive business landscape, customer satisfaction is crucial to maintaining a thriving enterprise. Companies strive to meet and exceed customer expectations by understanding their needs and preferences.  [Read More]

Data & Redis series - part 6

Fraud Detection with Redis & AWS

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In the rest of this series, I will highlight a set of use cases in which using Redis brings a real advantage. In this article, I’ll present how Redis Enterprise can help to implement a real-time fraud detection system.  [Read More]

Data & Redis series - part 5

Data Serving with Redis (Hands-on)

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Congratulations! You’ve reached the last stage of the data journey - serving data for downstream use cases. Now that the data has been ingested, stored, and processed into coherent and valuable structures, it’s time to get value from your data. [Read More]

Data & Redis series - part 3

Data Processing with Redis Gears (Hands-on)

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Data Processing involves transforming raw data into useful insights through analysis techniques like machine learning algorithms or statistical models depending on what type of problem needs solving within an organization’s context. [Read More]

Data & Redis series - part 2

Data Storage with Redis

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Data Storage refers to how data is retained once it has been acquired. Storage runs across the entire data journey, often occurring in multiple places in a data pipeline, with storage systems crossing over with source systems, ingestion, transformation, and serving. In many ways, how data is stored impacts how it... [Read More]